Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hasslein Books Publishes Messing With Telemarketers


Author Haven Riney's new book, which features actual 
phone calls hilariously turning the tables on intrusive 
nuisances, is now available for purchase.

NEW YORK, Oct. 27, 2015—Let's face it: telemarketers can be annoying. Even telemarketers hate getting telemarketer calls. Whether they're legitimate businesses, pollsters, or unscrupulous scammers, when people repeatedly call at all hours, day and night, it can be maddening. Getting mad does no good, though. Hasslein Books' latest publication, Messing With Telemarketers, shows why it's better to get even.

After a friend pranked Haven Riney by signing him up for tons of college-recruiting forms, he began receiving up to a hundred phone calls daily. He put his number on the Do Not Call List… he told pesky callers to put him on their lists… he yelled, screamed, begged, and pleaded… but nothing worked. Finally, he decided to waste the callers' time instead, screwing with them to see how far he could get. The answer, he discovered, was often "quite far."

Riney's lightning-quick wit, sharp comedic timing, and endless patience culminated in the hilarious collection of transcripts presented here. Every call is real, each funnier than the last. The 364-page Messing With Telemarketers is now available for sale at Amazon and its affiliates, as well as at CreateSpace, and will soon be available at Bookstores and other retailers can purchase this title at a wholesale rate from Ingram Book Co., NACSCorp and CreateSpace. Click here for ordering information, and download an excerpt here.

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