Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Trek Against Trump: Because the Future Deserves Better

By Rich Handley

I'm not a top-tier Star Trek writer. I've not written any TV episodes or novels (YET), but I have contributed to the official magazines and website, worked on comics projects for IDW and contributed to other branches of the franchise. Therefore, I am throwing my hat into the ring, along with other Star Trek writers, in support of the "Trek Against Trump" movement.

DonaldTrump's white-supremacist views and connections, his profound lack of knowledge, his history of bankruptcies, his tradition of scamming small businesses and not paying those who work for him, his misogynistic and cruel statements about women, his hypocrisy, his bad temper, his hate-mongering, his inability to control himself when speaking in public, his bizarre lack of self-awareness, his unceasing dishonesty, the rumors of his having raped a young girl and mistreated women, his unprepared performance at the first debate, the hordes of violent bigots who flock to his rallies, his rampant tax evasion and bragging about same, and the ignorant bigotry he espouses make him a danger to this country. His practices and views are the very antithesis of what the United States stands for.

He is, at heart, un-American.

I may not be pro-Clinton, but I am definitely anti-Trump, and I stand with my Star Trek colleagues in this matter. Were he elected President, Trump would embarrass America in the eyes of the world's nations, most of which are already laughing at us for even nominating him in the first place. He would badly damage our credibility, provide white supremacists a puppet in the Oval Office, and give exactly zero shits about anyone who doesn't have white skin, a billion dollars in the bank and Trump as a surname. He is the most non-Presidential candidate this country has had in my lifetime.

Star Trek, going back to its infancy, has always taken a strong stance against bigotry, intolerance, bullying, fascism, greed, inequality and power lust, and Trump embodies all of those traits. Hillary Clinton may not be an ideal candidate and may share some of Trump's faults, but he represents a very real danger to our society that goes FAR beyond anything that could be said about her. He is deplorable.

As a Trek fan and franchise contributor, I feel that condemning Trump is the only logical choice.

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